Student Portal. Done right.


Do your education agency counsellors waste a lot of time answering phone calls from students that are unaware of their application status and what the next step is?  Inteleagent’s student portal addresses this issue, and allows you to onboard and engage students in a smart way.

Avoid unnecessary calls

With the Inteleagent student portal you can give your student access to enough information about his application to avoid those time-waster phone calls.

Automatic Notifications

Get notified when the student first accesses his student portal, or when the student completes a task you assign to him, uploads documents to his application, pays an instalment, and much more.

Website integration

Place a signup link on your website and let the student create his own student portal access. Let the student login to his student portal right from your website or apply for a course listed on your website.


Impress your students with your professionalism. Send messages to the student inside the student portal and carry a conversation with your students.

Full Control

You have full control of the student portal access. You can always Activate/Revoke access to the student portal. You can assign tasks to your students and get notified when completed.

Your Branding

The student portal, the automatic emails the student receives, and all interactions with the student are branded with your education agency logo.

Get your students involved

Assign tasks to your student so he knows what he needs to do to move his application forward faster.

Ask your student to upload documents to his application.

Collaborate with your students

Take advantage of the exciting messaging feature and leave a message on the assigned task so the student knows exactly what to do

Ask students to fill in their profile details so you and your team save time.

Get Notified

Know when your students perform any activities in their student portal

Get notified when students mark instalments PAID, or when they upload documents to their application, and more.

Trusted by fellow education agents

Education agents just like you are getting organised, stay insanely productive, and manage three times more students without hiring more staff with Inteleagent.

Get Started Today

14-day free trial. No credit card. No commitment