4 steps to ensure success before implementing a marketing campaign in an education agency


Running a small education agency means you often have to wear more than one hat, such as marketing, sales, operations, finance, administration, HR, etc… When wearing the marketing hat, it might be just you in the team, or you might have one or two staff assisting you. This would be classified as a small marketing team.

In order to be successful you will need to focus and stay focused. The problem is time. There’s never enough time to stay focused. So, prior to implementing a marketing campaign, small marketing teams need to identify their goals and have a clear-cut plan. To set you small team up for success and gain this much needed level of clarity, you will need to carry out the following four steps. This will ensure optimal performance.

Step 1: Setup a high-level plan

The marketing context changes frequently and education agents need to always be on top of new trends while managing their day-to-day tasks. Due to so many things happening at one time, it’s easy to get side-tracked and lose focus by being pulled in so many different directions. To stay on top of it, you will need to create a high-level plan that focuses on the bottom line (student conversion and revenue generation). The most important part: stick to it. There’s nothing more waste of your precious time than having a plan and not sticking to it. By implementing the plan you created, you will ensure your team stays focused on what’s important.

Step 2: Create student personas

A student persona is a detailed description of your ideal students, highlighting their behaviours, goals, skills and attitudes. The creation of your student persona is your base for all your marketing efforts, especially for small teams. Without properly defining your student persona before implementing your marketing campaign, small education agencies won’t be able to tailor their message to the likes of their potential students. The better defined the persona, and the more it intersects with the design and messaging of the marketing campaigns, the more successful small teams will be at getting potential students’ attention and converting them. This will allow small education agents to focus their time on marketing campaigns that cater to their potential students and not waste time on campaigns that don’t work.

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